Discover the features that make us unique.

The only headless CMS with visual editing, custom React code, enterprise-grade.
Everything your team needs for the best content experience.

Core feature #1

Visual editing

Our trademark visual editing system, introduced in 2020, still makes React Bricks the unique headless CMS with inline visual editing.

What it means for you

Content editors save a lot of time, as the editing interface is very intuitive and easy to use. No training time is needed. After the initial setup, no developers' time is required.

Learn more about Visual editing

Core feature #2


You already know React

Leverage your React expertise: content blocks are just React components, with no external code pollution. The React Bricks library is fully typed in TypeScript.

Boost your components

If you already have a React-based design system, you can turn your components into visually editable content blocks in minutes, using the React Bricks library for Next.js or Remix.

No context switches

You don't have to go back and forth between a headless CMS to set up fields and the frontend. Define visual fields directly in React code, never leaving your code editor.

Supported frameworks

Visual CMS for Next.jsVisual CMS for RemixVisual CMS for Gatsby
Discover all the features with a React Bricks engineer
Book a custom demo
The developer experience is great and our editors are happy as well! React Bricks fits perfectly to our needs.

Maik Jablonski

Founder at Neoskop

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